A Ritual To Call On The Spirit Of The Magpie To Bring Clarity To A Situation

The Magpie is one of my main animal guides. There are many different aspects to this guide; courageous, but alert, they do not get involved in foolish situations. They are confident, loyal, hard-working and resourceful.

The magpie also symbolises your spiritual journey, and not chasing false perceptions and ideas. This makes it an ideal animal guide to call on when you need clarification on a situation.

I was going through a tough situation at work which involved a colleague of mine. This colleague was not performing well, and were very needy with even the most basic of tasks which they should have easily been able to complete. This was making me frustrated, and it got to the stage where I was unsure as to whether this colleague was under-performing as badly as I thought they were, or if my frustrations were clouding my judgement of their performance.

I performed the ritual below. That night, I had a dream where a magpie came to me, and told me that it was a little bit of both, and that I did have this perception of him and his ability that I needed to put aside.

You don't need much for this ritual; the main thing you will need is some feathers and something to tie them together with (I used purple wool, purple being the colour of psychic energy). They don't all need to be magpie feathers, but you definitely need at least one or two in there.

Any other items you have that symbolise the magpie can also be used. I have a magpie skull necklace, and also a stone with a magpie drawn on which I made a few years back at one of Rachel Patterson's Kitchen Witchcraft workshops. Anything which helps you feel more in tune with the energy of the magpie is a bonus.

By Charles J Sharp - Own work, from Sharp Photography, sharpphotography.co.uk, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78335212

Start by meditating on the spirit of the magpie, especially in relation to what you need (clarity on your specific situation). Hold the feathers in your hands as you meditate, connecting with the spirit of the magpie.

When you feel ready, say:

"I call upon the spirit of the magpie."

Repeat this three times.

Now state your petition. I use the below:

"I pray to the Spirit of the Magpie

To hear me this night.

Please open my eyes - 

Help me see the truth, and the illusion as to [insert details about your specific situation here]

I call to thee, spirit of the magpie.

I call to thee, spirit of the magpie.

I call to thee, spirit of the magpie.

Please grant me this request,

And guide me."

Hold the feathers to your third eye, and then your lips, and thank the spirit of the magpie for assisting you in this ritual.

Make sure you sleep with the feathers near your bed; I put them down the side of the bed frame but you could put them under your pillow, on a bedside table, or even in the drawer of a bedside table.

Feel free to repeat this if it doesn't work first time. When you have received your answer, you can untie the feathers and give an offering of thanks to the magpie, such as bird seed.


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