The Gaulish Goddess Nantosuelta - Five Years On

Roughly five years ago I started working with the Gaulish Goddess Nantosuleta - I even wrote a post back then when I was first starting out with everything that I had found on her.

Unfortunately there just isn't much out there which is a shame. She has proven to be a great Goddess who still helps me all these years later.

So I thought I would write another post, to help get a bit more information out there now I've had the time to work with her more.

Nantosuelta is a Goddess of abundance, and she is very giving. In fact, she likes to give! There were a few months where I didn't really want or need anything, as I had all that I wanted. So I continued to pray to her, leave offerings, but didn't really ask much of her. During this time, I felt our connection waning. I feel it is at its most strongest when I am also giving her the chance to give, by asking for help with a specific issue, or when blessing my house, for example. You will find once you have built up this sort of relationship with her that she will help even without you asking! One day as I was walking to work (having done my morning devotionals) having been running late, I got halfway to work and realised I had forgotten my purse, so had no money to buy any lunch (and no food with me). As I was telling myself off for being such an idiot, I looked down and there was a five pound note on the floor! I knew that it was Nantosuelta's way of looking out for me; there is a certain feeling you get when divine intervention as opposed to just coincidence is at work.

I have found that whilst she is a Goddess of the hearth and home, she is best suited as more of an overall Goddess of abundance. If you just limit her to matters of the home, it's almost like she gets bored! Remember that she is also a deity of the earth, of fire and of healing springs and wells. I feel her strongly when walking through nature, observing the birds and the plants, and she can help you connect with the natural world around you.

By Ethan Doyle White - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

As a deity of the element of fire, summer and autumn are the main months associated with her, and again I feel her more strongly during these times; I have found that during the winter and spring she feels a lot more 'dormant', so don't worry if you she seems quiet over this time. Don't let it stop you from maintaining a relationship with her.

As well as enjoying giving, she enjoys giving to those you love as well. I have found that selfless requests are very well received by her. Not only is she selfless, but she connects with those who are selfless too. As a deity of the healing springs and wells she is great for bringing comfort to loved ones who are sick and helping you care for them.

Her qualities as a nurturing Goddess will help you in all aspects of life. If you work hard for what you want, and stay true to yourself, she will help you achieve your goals with great results.

She is not what I would call a 'casual' deity. You can't just say a prayer or leave an offering once a month. Nantosuelta is a Goddess who needs more investment than that. The best way I can explain it is to think of it like a friendship; someone you check in with regularly, have little chats with, and generally just enjoy their company. Over the years I've made many offerings to her; I've lit candles, made a box-alter for her, dedicated things in her name, among many other activities. However, I've come to notice that she isn't one for grand gestures. Small offerings like bird seed, or river water, and a little chat are much more effective than large dedications.

I hope this helps anyone who wants to work with Nantosuelta, as I know there is very little information out there; especially hands-on, practical information. Everyone's experience with divinity is different, and you may find that you work with her in a completely different way that works for you! There is no one right way of doing it.


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