
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Gaulish Goddess Nantosuelta - Five Years On

Roughly five years ago I started working with the Gaulish Goddess Nantosuleta - I even wrote a post back then when I was first starting out with everything that I had found on her. Unfortunately there just isn't much out there which is a shame. She has proven to be a great Goddess who still helps me all these years later. So I thought I would write another post, to help get a bit more information out there now I've had the time to work with her more. Nantosuelta is a Goddess of abundance, and she is very giving. In fact, she likes to give! There were a few months where I didn't really want or need anything, as I had all that I wanted. So I continued to pray to her, leave offerings, but didn't really ask much of her. During this time, I felt our connection waning. I feel it is at its most strongest when I am also giving her the chance to give, by asking for help with a specific issue, or when blessing my house, for example. You will find once you have built up this

Making Your Own Magickal Soap

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What Is A Kitchen Witch And How Do I Become One?

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A Visualisation To Find A Lost Item

For Christmas the year before last, my mum bought my partner and I bamboo travel coffee cups. My partner especially fell in love with his, and received a lot of compliments. Unfortunately, a couple of months back, he lost it. We searched high and low and asked around, and came to the conclusion that he must have lost it at work, although after sending out an email it still hadn't been found. We searched the internet but couldn't find another cup, and with my mum having bought it in a small garden centre in the small town she lived in, chances were we would not find another either. I decided to do a visualisation which often works when I need to find something lost to help it return to him, although in this visualisation I saw it returning to myself. Whilst I could have just imagined it returning to him, I felt it might be more successful if I saw it returning to me. Also, it opened up the options; for example, I could find the cup at home for example if we just hadn't l

Hertfordshire Puddingstone

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Pendulum Dowsing: My Magickal Achilles Heel

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The Celtic Sun God Belenus

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A Ritual To Call On The Spirit Of The Magpie To Bring Clarity To A Situation

The Magpie is one of my main animal guides. There are many different aspects to this guide; courageous, but alert, they do not get involved in foolish situations. They are confident, loyal, hard-working and resourceful. The magpie also symbolises your spiritual journey, and not chasing false perceptions and ideas. This makes it an ideal animal guide to call on when you need clarification on a situation. I was going through a tough situation at work which involved a colleague of mine. This colleague was not performing well, and were very needy with even the most basic of tasks which they should have easily been able to complete. This was making me frustrated, and it got to the stage where I was unsure as to whether this colleague was under-performing as badly as I thought they were, or if my frustrations were clouding my judgement of their performance. I performed the ritual below. That night, I had a dream where a magpie came to me, and told me that it was a little bit of both, a