The Gaulish Goddess Nantosuelta - Five Years On
Roughly five years ago I started working with the Gaulish Goddess Nantosuleta - I even wrote a post back then when I was first starting out with everything that I had found on her. Unfortunately there just isn't much out there which is a shame. She has proven to be a great Goddess who still helps me all these years later. So I thought I would write another post, to help get a bit more information out there now I've had the time to work with her more. Nantosuelta is a Goddess of abundance, and she is very giving. In fact, she likes to give! There were a few months where I didn't really want or need anything, as I had all that I wanted. So I continued to pray to her, leave offerings, but didn't really ask much of her. During this time, I felt our connection waning. I feel it is at its most strongest when I am also giving her the chance to give, by asking for help with a specific issue, or when blessing my house, for example. You will find once you have built up this...