A Ritual Invoking Lilith to Find Your Dream Job/Career

This is a ritual to call upon the Goddess Lilith to assist you in finding the perfect job or career. I thought I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life; I studied for four years to qualify for it, got my dream job and uprooted my partner and myself from our friends and family to go and live in a whole new city. Well, it turned out that my dream job was actually my worst nightmare. I was devastated. Yes, I loved the new city, my partner and I had definitely grown closer embarking on this new adventure, but I am quite a 'career' minded person - I figure you spend so much time working, a great portion of your life, that you need to be doing something you enjoy. So, I performed a ritual to help me.

I used an orange tea light (tea light is preferable because of the width), placed within a black bowl. Then a black candle to represent the Goddess Lilith, a few bay leaves, some basil and some dragon' blood powder.

I started off as I do with any ritual; cleansing and consecrating, casting the circle and calling the quarters. Once completed, I called upon Lilith.

Lilith is a deity with a bit of a bad rep, but she is one of my patron Goddesses. Yes, she can be vengeful, spiteful, controlling, obsessed with power and self-destructive, but she can also help you accept and control those aspects in yourself. On top of that, she is loyal, strong, and encourages you to be true to yourself, doing whatever it takes no matter what or who gets in the way. 

To invoke Lilith, I lit the black candle and chanted the following; I felt a very comforting presence in the circle once I had completed it, a strong yet protecting presence. 

(Taken from https://img1.etsystatic.com/132/1/9274137/il_340x270.849607023_oe5f.jpg)

I call upon ye, lady of the serpent,
You of seduction and power,
You of strength and righteousness,
You who walks your own path
And forges your own destiny.

Oh great Lilith, all seeing,
All powerful Lady,
I ask you to bless me with your presence and power this night
Join me here in this circle
I invoke thee this night

For the main magickal working, I empowered the herbs, infusing them with my intent by focusing on what it was I wanted – the perfect job – and chanting several times to raise the power:

Basil, Bay and Dragon’ Blood true,
I cast my intent and empower you,
A change, a challenge, a real career,
Oh magickal herbs my plea now hear!

(Taken from https://img0.etsystatic.com/053/0/6867285/il_570xN.752292160_phrf.jpg)

Once I felt they were fully ‘powered’, I sprinkled them over the orange candle – some fell short of the candle and landed in the black bowl, but that was OK – so long as some of them got into the candle wax mix!

Next I meditated; I asked Lilith to help me, focused on my intent and what I wanted out of a job and once I was confident I had made my intent known, I chanted:

Lady Lilith hear my prayer,
I know, I will, I challenge, I dare,
I change, I stir, I manifest,
A job, a career, to suit me best
Bring me something in which I can succeed
Something in which I can achieve
A job that which I’m proud to fill,
A job that’s true, success that’s real,
Close to home and decent hours
I lend to this intent and power
A job which pays more than enough
To give me freedom and joy, off the cuff,
But if this is the job that’s meant to be,
Then let it lie; leave it be
Afford my bills and have my fun,
Now all is said and all is done,
Let this spell be now begun,
Lilith, please grant my request,
To bring me the job to suit me best.

I meditated for a bit longer, until I felt that the spell had truly been cast and I had no energy left to give to it. At that point I did the dedication of food and wine, bid Lilith farewell, released the quarters and closed the circle. If the candle has not burnt all the way down, you can continue to burn it or burn a bit of it every night whilst meditating on your intent, but I only did it a couple of times. And it worked. Incredibly well! 

As with everything, feel free to adapt this to suit your needs; I've spent quite a few years working with Lilith and she is a deity I feel comfortable with, but if you are going to work with her I wouldn't recommend jumping straight into spell work; take your time to meditate with her, leave her offerings, get to know her, and then try. Or alternatively, use a deity you feel comfortable with. Feel free to change the words; maybe, what you want out of your job is specifically weekend work or night work. I've tried to keep it as 'vague' as possible, because I trust that Lilith knows what it best for me, and sometimes these things can lead you down paths you would never have dreamed of!


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