A Simple Charm for when you Need the World to Leave you Alone

There are some days you just don't want to be bugged - whether it's walking down the street, by phone calls from the family or in the work environment. It's perfectly natural, we all need our downtown, but sometimes it seems that the universe just doesn't want us to switch off! So, here is a little something I devised when you are having one of those days where you just want to be left alone to get on with whatever it is you want to put your mind to.

I'm using it now at work. It feels so good to just be sat here without people bugging me or trying to make conversation so I can just get on with it!

All you need is a piece of smokey quartz and your visualization powers.

By https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1060732 - https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1060732, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=72938115

Kneel before your alter clutching the smokey quartz in your hands. Ground and centre, (I use the Kabbalistic Cross, mentioned a few posts ago). Now focus on a grey, fuzzy light emanating from the smokey quartz, through your core and then out through your skin, creating a perfect bubble around you. This is your cloak, your shield, the fuzziness of it washing over you and hiding you from peoples sight. See yourself in the environment you will be in throughout the day (for me, walking to work, then at work, but it could just be in your house or round town or at some sort of event) and see people walking past you and not acknowledging your presence, barely seeing you. See your phone sitting there on the desk, completely silent. See yourself with your head down, lost in whatever it is you want to focus on (even if that is just reading a good book), completely detached from everyone around you.

When you feel ready, and that the bubble is powerful enough to grant you the necessary protection, chant, raise that extra power until you feel it is done.

Shield of shadow, shadow shield,
This wall around me I do build,
Out of sight and out of mind,
Binding bound and bounding bind

Feel free to substitute the chant for something you feel more comfortable with; it is more about the visualisation, with the chant being a way to help raise power. Once I am done with this, I tend to say a quick prayer to Lilith, to ask that she ensure this is successful and people leave me alone, but that is optional - Lilith is a Goddess I associate with the hidden. Make sure you carry the smokey quartz with you throughout the day, charging the grey bubble you created if you need a boost or you feel it wearing off.

It's very simple, but very effective!


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