The Witches Rune for Raising Power (A 'How' and 'Why or Why Not' from a Personal Perspective)

The Witches Rune, sometimes just known as the Witches Chant, is a well - known way of raising power among wiccans. What started out as a poem by Doreen Valiente in 1957, some covens prefer to call it before the quarters but that very much depends on your or your coven's preference. It can be done solitary, being in a coven is not a requisite to using it.

I will admit, the Witches Rune is not my favourite way of raising power, but as with everything in paganism, you need to try it and discover whether it works for you. The members of the coven begin by standing in a circle, male-female-male as far as you can (every ritual I have ever been to we have an abundance of females compared to the males!) and hold hands. I have been in rituals where the High Priestess just chants the rune, I have been in rituals where a few people from the coven chant the rune, and I have been in rituals where the entire coven chant the rune. As it is quite a lengthy chant, if you are not familiar with it you may prefer to just dance whilst others around you chant; that way you can focus more on raising power, rather than trying to memorise the words, tripping over wrong words or juggling a piece of paper and reading as you go round! In fact, i've seen the power of the Witches Rune dampened to have minimal to no affect by coven members who are too focused on trying to read/memorise the words, chanting out of time, etc.

By PiccoloNamek, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The circle moves, still holding hands, in a deosil direction (clockwise). Some prefer to start with the following chant, whilst some prefer to go into the main chant:

Eko, Eko, Azarak,
Eko, Eko, Zomelak,
Eko, Eko, Cernunnos
Eko Eko Aradia

I had never heard of Azarak or Zomilarak before, and there is very little information about as to who they are or what they represent; some sources state that they are two Angels, brother and Sister, who represent the elements of Fire and Water. Cernunnos is the Celtic God, who in this instance represents the element of Earth, and Aradia is the Queen of Witches, most attributed to Charles Leland and Italian witchcraft, or Stregheria. Some state that they are simply mysterious entities, without any real meaning. Considering Aradia and Cernunnos aren't from the same pantheon, it is hard to make an educated guess, and I think this is one of my 'problems' with the chant - I don't like using, or calling, on entities I don't understand. But a lot of people will say that the words themselves aren't important, it is about the raising of power, and you can substitute those names for those that you are more familiar. This can be repeated as many times as you/your coven like.

Now, for the main chant - as I said, it is a bit long and pretty much impossible if your High Priestess gives you a sheet of paper with it on to memorise in a few minutes!

Darksome night and shining moon
Hearken to the Witches Rune
East then South, West then North
Here we come to call ye forth!

Earth and water, air and fire
Wand and pentacle and sword,
Work ye unto our desire
Hearken ye unto our word!

Cords and censor, scourge and knife.
Powers of the witches blade,
Waken all ye unto life
Come ye as the charm is made!

Queen of heaven, Queen of hell,
Horned Hunter of the night,
Lend your pow'r unto the spell
And work our will by magick rite!

By all the pow'r of land and sea
By all the might of moon and sun,
As we do will so mote it be,
Chant the spell and it be done!

At this stage the first chant, the 'Eko, Eko' is repeated, again as many times as is felt necessary. Now, at this stage the High Priestess is supposed to yell 'Down!' and the coven members sit where they have ended up. Again, I don't really like this approach; it is a bit too abrupt and feels a bit too grounding, I prefer to throw my hands up and really feel the energy around me.

Personally, if I'm raising energy, I prefer to focus on WHY I am raising the energy and chant that as a mantra over and over again (and I do find it easier if it rhymes). For example, if I'm raising energy to call the quarters with, i'll chant "Earth, air, fire, water, hear the calling of the daughter, elements I call ye near, in this circle join me here, earth, air, fire, water, hear the calling of your daughter, elements I call ye near, in this circle join me here...." Or if I am raising energy with the intent of using it to cast a spell for courage, I'll chant "courage, courage, burning bright, courage, courage, lend me your might." Drumming is my preferred accompaniment, but if that is going to disturb anyone who may be around (my partner, neighbours), i'll put some drumming music on quietly.

However, I cannot deny the power of the Witches Rune, and just how effective it can be in a coven environment. Definitely something everyone - coven or solitary - should at least try.


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