House Blessing In The Name Of Nantosuelta - Goddess Of The Hearth

So my partner and I have recently moved - not just house, but to a whole new city, as I landed my dream job and bless him, he was good enough to want to move with me. As we were previously living miles and miles away from where we have moved to, it didn't put us in the best of positions to go house hunting, especially as the city we have moved to is so much more expensive than the city we were living in. So, we booked a load of viewings and went up for one day, and basically had to pick one that we saw no matter how terrible they all were.

We opted typically for the first place that we saw that long day - a one bedroom flat in a new development with a tiny patio area out the front. A far cry from our cute, two bedroom bungalow and large garden! But, we have been up here for about a week, nearly finished moving all of our belongings, and we are really settling in.

I wanted to perform a ritual, to cleanse the flat of any lingering negative energies and to bless it with love and positivity. One of my patron Goddess is Nantosuelta, whom I have posted about before. She is a Goddess of the Hearth, and so it only seemed fitting that I performed a ritual asking her to bless our new abode. Here is how it went.

First, I set up the altar; unfortunately my proper altar is still down in our old property, waiting to be moved up this weekend so I had to make do with the few tools I had on our glass coffee table. I had representations of the four elements - salt for Earth, a paper fan for Air, a candle for Fire and a chalice of water for Water. Then there was my athame, a glass of wine and some seeds to dedicate to Nantosuelta (she likes an offering of seeds).

First, I performed the Kabalistic Cross element of the LBRP (see previous post). I did not perform the whole LBRP as I didn't want to cast a circle, I wanted the energies to 'roam free'. Next, I focused on attuning myself with Nantosuelta, before chanting:

"I invoke thee Nantosuelta, Great Goddess of the Hearth, keeper of the flame, mother of the fertile Earth and Healing waters. I pray, bless me with your presence now to cleanse this dwelling of all negative energies and bless this home with your warmth and your love".

Once I felt connected to Nantosuelta, and felt her warmth and love flowing through me, I picked up the dish of salt I had and sprinkled it around the room in a clockwise motion as I chanted:

"With your Earthy touch, may you protect this space; keep safe this dwelling and protect those within. By the grace of your blessing may luck and abundance greet those who reside here."

I focused on the qualities of the element of Earth that I wanted to instill in the flat; stability, protection and abundance. Next, I picked up the fan and fanned the air as again I walked round in a clockwise circle chanting:

"With the breath that you breathe may all negativity be expelled from this place, and may creativity and joy blow through here in its place."

This time, I focused on a strong breeze blowing through, clearing all the negative energies and instead bringing with it cheer and light-heartedness.

*NOW, at this point another resident of the flat came and knocked - I was very tempted to ignore it but it is very rare that anyone knocks on our door, so I thought I would answer it, hoping it was just a quick thing. Long story short, we have a problem with parking in our block; we have an underground car park but the spaces are so terribly numbered that no-one knows where they should park. This resident had previously helped us work out which space was ours after we mistakenly parked in his and he was popping by to ask if we knew who was parked in our space - it certainly wasn't us! So a long man-hunt later, we think we found the culprit but he was being defensive and uncooperative, so I was told to leave them to it and the nice neighbour would let me know which spot is ours, as apparently this guy has a habit of using more than his one space. I am currently waiting on him to tell me how it went as I type this. I got back to the flat, and decided to start the whole thing again.

By Gausanchennai - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

SO, once I had got back to completing the blessing with the element of Air, I moved on to the element of Fire. This time I chanted:

"By the power of your sacred fires may the flame of the hearth burn bright with love, warmth and compassion for, and between, those who dwell here."

I visualized a harmless fire roaring through, a fire made of the joys that family and home-life can bring. Following this, I picked up the chalice of water and sprinkled it around in a clockwise direction as I visualized peace and harmony and chanted:

"By the power of your healing waters, may all who reside here rest in peace and harmony, with good health to all."

Finally, I stood in the centre of the room and raised my arms, focusing on the four elements and the attributes and qualities I had them imbue the flat with, all coming together in the name of Nantosuelta to form the most perfect and blessed abode, and chanted:

"In the name of Nantosuelta; you, oh mighty Godess whose light from the hearth doth shine my way, you who have blessed me with all that I am thankful for, I pray that you bless his dwelling so that those who reside here may live in love - to prosper and grow and to always be thankful for this home you have bestowed upon us. So mote it be."

Once I had finished, I dedicated the wine and seeds to here, drank and ate a little and then once I had fully finished the ritual went and sprinkled the rest outside. I said a little prayer of thanks to Nantosuelta from the heart, ending with 'hail and farewell', before cleaning up.

I can feel the difference in the flat - not that it had any negative sort of energies beforehand, but it just feels....cozier. It's a shame I am the only one in the flat this evening!


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