Hello I have recently came across this deity in my meditations I'm seeking all the information I can find. If you would be so kind to email me so I could learn some from you I would appreciate it dearly! Because u are not wrong information is so limited on her... My Gmail is Unreadywarf@gmail.com thank you
“I am Cerridwen, keeper of the Cauldron, Goddess of Renewal, Lady of Transformation, Mother of Inspiration. My Cauldron is the Womb of Life Itself. It is the Cauldron of Wisdom, Inspiration, Rebirth, and Transformation. Its brew is an undeniably powerful source of primal wisdom. Drink, embrace death in its many forms, and learn the secrets of immortality.” Pronounced ‘Ke-ri-dwen’, and also spelled Ceridwen or either way but with a ‘K’ instead of a ‘C’, she is known under many guises; She is a Triple Goddess, the Great Mother, the Old one, the Wise Crone, the White Lady of Inspiration and Death, the Goddess of dark, prophetic powers. In Welsh Celtic mythology, Cerridwen gave birth to one of the greatest Bards, Taliesin. It is said the Cerridwen had two children with her husband, Tegid Foel; there was her daughter, Crearwy, who was light and beautiful, and then her son Afagddu who was reputedly the ugliest man in the world, (it could be seen that these two children represent the...
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a ritual which originated within Ceremonial magick from at least the nineteenth century, but is used by many, including wiccans. Whilst some see the LBRP as a psychological tool to help facilitate meditation there are those who actually see it as a ritual to magickally cleanse and purify. I personally see it as a great way to ground and centre and usually perform it first thing in the morning before I go about my daily business. It helps me connect with the divine, find inner balance and start the day from a place of peace and calm. Considering it is quite simple to perform, the affect it can have if performed correctly is quite underestimated. First, you will need to create what is known as THE KABALISTIC CROSS . Visualize a white light, hovering just above your head - this light will attach you to the divine, the spirit, the all. Traditionally it is performed with an athame (I personally prefer using my athame for this), but you can...
Roughly five years ago I started working with the Gaulish Goddess Nantosuleta - I even wrote a post back then when I was first starting out with everything that I had found on her. Unfortunately there just isn't much out there which is a shame. She has proven to be a great Goddess who still helps me all these years later. So I thought I would write another post, to help get a bit more information out there now I've had the time to work with her more. Nantosuelta is a Goddess of abundance, and she is very giving. In fact, she likes to give! There were a few months where I didn't really want or need anything, as I had all that I wanted. So I continued to pray to her, leave offerings, but didn't really ask much of her. During this time, I felt our connection waning. I feel it is at its most strongest when I am also giving her the chance to give, by asking for help with a specific issue, or when blessing my house, for example. You will find once you have built up this...
Hello I have recently came across this deity in my meditations I'm seeking all the information I can find. If you would be so kind to email me so I could learn some from you I would appreciate it dearly! Because u are not wrong information is so limited on her... My Gmail is Unreadywarf@gmail.com thank you