Working with the Celtic Goddess Cerridwen
“I am Cerridwen, keeper of the Cauldron, Goddess of Renewal, Lady of Transformation, Mother of Inspiration. My Cauldron is the Womb of Life Itself. It is the Cauldron of Wisdom, Inspiration, Rebirth, and Transformation. Its brew is an undeniably powerful source of primal wisdom. Drink, embrace death in its many forms, and learn the secrets of immortality.” Pronounced ‘Ke-ri-dwen’, and also spelled Ceridwen or either way but with a ‘K’ instead of a ‘C’, she is known under many guises; She is a Triple Goddess, the Great Mother, the Old one, the Wise Crone, the White Lady of Inspiration and Death, the Goddess of dark, prophetic powers. In Welsh Celtic mythology, Cerridwen gave birth to one of the greatest Bards, Taliesin. It is said the Cerridwen had two children with her husband, Tegid Foel; there was her daughter, Crearwy, who was light and beautiful, and then her son Afagddu who was reputedly the ugliest man in the world, (it could be seen that these two children represent the...