I have worked with deities from many different beliefs over the years; Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Sumerian, Nordic, and so forth, but just recently I've been working a lot with the Celtic pantheon. I live in the UK, in an area with a lot of history, especially spiritual history, and the Celtic Gods and Goddesses are a huge part of that history. Something about it just clicks with me, I feel at home with these deities, and so have been researching and meditating and communing with deities a lot. One Celtic God I have especially enjoyed working with is Nuada. I have to admit, like a lot of female pagans I know, I do tend to focus more on the female aspect of worship (the Goddess) and so have been making a conscious effort to include more work with masculine side of things, so it is always a little bit exciting when I do find a male deity to work with. Nuada was one of those. I decided to start researching him as part of my first degree studies as when I was looking up lists of diffe...