
Showing posts from August, 2014

Caia Caecilia: Roman Goddess of Hearth and Fire

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Gypsy Love Card Readings

One of the first divination methods I ever tried was a gypsy love card reading. It is a method I learnt about from Cassandra Eason's book "Ancient Wisdom", (a book which I would recommend, along with many of her others), and involves using good old-fashioned playing cards to perform a reading in matters of love; and not just the love of a significant other, but can also give you readings concerning close friends and family. Since then, I have progressed to cartomancy, which is a broader form of divination using playing cards that focus on more than just love, but learning and getting to grips with this method first was a really useful step in being able to learn and practice cartomancy. I thought I would share it here, as not only is it simple and effective, but it is also a method I have never once encountered in my studies anywhere else before, and believe that it really is a great system for beginners upwards to experiment with and be able to read. All you need t

Lore of the Elves

I have to admit, I am not a fairy person. No way, no how. I most definitely have the cutesy, Tinkerbell-esq vision of a fairy stuck in my head; which I know from reading a lot of mythology and folklore is not always the case. In fact, fairies, (also spelled ‘faeries’ by some), can be malevolent creatures who steal babies and generally bring misfortune. Elves for me have always been the earth elemental I feel most comfortable with, (I just can’t get on with gnomes either), and have done a bit of work with them before. The modern day image of Elves has most definitely been influenced by Tolkien, but it is evident in the energies felt from working with Elves that physical similarities are the main attribute that they share with Tolkien’s representation. Elves are most predominant in Norse mythology, most notably through the 13 th Century ‘Prose Edda’ written by Snorri Sturluson. It states that there are two types of Elves; the Ljósálfar, (singular ‘Ljósálfr’), which is Old Norse for


Ruby is a very powerful shielding stone, with the ability to protect its wearer from negative energies and psychic attack. It was often used in the breast plates and shields of Kings and Knights of old and has great protective properties. It can encourage us to stand our ground and face our problems or those negative issues in our lives, by protecting us from the harm so we can view and think about a situation rationally. Rubies are also associated with wealth, and it has been said that some cultures believe that if you own a ruby stone, you will never lose your wealth, and is often used in work and in business to ensure the stability of a person’s income. Ruby is also believed to encourage lucid dreaming, and that wearing or holding a ruby during your attempts will help you to remain lucid when entering the dream state, and will help you to control the dream without sleeping into a more normal sleep pattern. A ruby elixir made by soaking a crystal in water for a few hours,

Nuada of the Celtic Pantheon

I have worked with deities from many different beliefs over the years; Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Sumerian, Nordic, and so forth, but just recently I've been working a lot with the Celtic pantheon. I live in the UK, in an area with a lot of history, especially spiritual history, and the Celtic Gods and Goddesses are a huge part of that history. Something about it just clicks with me, I feel at home with these deities, and so have been researching and meditating and communing with deities a lot. One Celtic God I have especially enjoyed working with is Nuada. I have to admit, like a lot of female pagans I know, I do tend to focus more on the female aspect of worship (the Goddess) and so have been making a conscious effort to include more work with masculine side of things, so it is always a little bit exciting when I do find a male deity to work with. Nuada was one of those. I decided to start researching him as part of my first degree studies as when I was looking up lists of diffe