
Showing posts from August, 2019

A Full Moon Ritual: The Love Of The Goddess

This is a simple little ritual to help you become more open to giving and receiving love. A combination of prayer and mantra with a few tools, you needn't go through the whole ritual outline for this. Being short on time I didn't bother casting a circle or invoking the quarters but it is up to you. Fill a small bowl with crystals that remind you of the Goddess and femininity; I included rose quartz, moonstone, crystal quartz and citrine in a small, purple bowl I use for making offerings. Next pour some water over the crystals so the majority of them are covered - the element of water is associated with the Goddess and the moon, given the way that the tides are controlled by the moon and its pull. You will also need an oil that again evokes femininity or the Goddess. Suitable oils include Ylang Ylang or Jasmine (I chose Jasmine). There are also a couple of optional tools; a pink candle which represents love, or a silver or white candle to represent the