
Showing posts from May, 2018

Find Your God/dess Mediation

Please note, this blog has moved to a new and improved site - please sit tight whilst we redirect you.

Green Fingers Spell: To promote growth of herbs and plants (especially with pot plants)

This spell was taken from Marina Baker's 'Spells For Teenage Witches'. Tools: - A Plant - Three Seashells - Three Pebbles The Spell : - Hold the shells and pebbles in your hands and say; "From the sky above and the earth below I call upon the elements To help these plants to grow Spirit, breathe magickal life into all I sow" - Place the pebbles into the pot around the stem of the plant, or maybe slightly under the soil. Feel free to recharge them whenever you think you need it. By Gmihail at Serbian Wikipedia - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 rs,