
Showing posts from April, 2018

Red Tigers Eye

Please note, this blog has moved to a new and improved site - please sit tight whilst we redirect you.

A Spell To Ground A New Project

 This spell is taken from one of Nicola De Pulford's 'Book of Spells'. This is an earth-based spell designed to help ground a new project or relationship, so that it may have a firm foundation to grow successfully. It is a simple spell, and one that I have used in the past to ensure a great start to a new venture. Tools: - Square piece of paper - Four small stones - A bulb or large seed of sorts, such as an acorn - A brown or green pen The Spell: - Take the square piece of paper, and in the centre write your plan/relationship; i.e, "A journey across South Afrika" - Turn the paper over, and starting in the centre draw a tight, deosil spiral with the pen until it reaches the edges of the paper. Once you have done this, place a stone in each corner of the paper and the bulb/seed in the centre of the spiral - Now, imagine the seed growing along the spiral path and your intended plan/relationship growing strong, stable and successfully - On