
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Gaulish Goddess Nantosuelta

For a long while I have been feeling pulled towards a Deity, but the 'signals' haven't been very clear. Nothing concrete. I could tell it was a feminine presence, so I assumed to be a Goddess, associated with both Earth and Fire, as well as blessings, the hearth and divination. I have done countless searches, looking for Goddesses of Earth and Fire and of the hearth, but have for a couple of months now come up empty handed. The other day I was researching something - I can't quite remember what, it may have been Nature Deities -  when I came across a name. Nantosuelta. She was not a Deity I had come across before, so I decided to do a bit more research, and it was suddenly like the light bulb had flicked on. Could this be the Goddess I had been feeling pulled to recently? Nantosuelta is most prominent a figure in the Celtic culture - one that I feel most commonly drawn to - and is known as being a Goddess of both Earth and Fire, as well as abundance, fertility, heal